Repeal the ban on Sunday Hunting in Pennsylvania!

Pennsylvania is one of 11 states where hunting on Sunday is restricted or prohibited.  These states are still the victims of antiquated prohibitions that date back to old blue laws enacted in the 1700's.

The majority of states across America allow a broad range of Sunday hunting opportunities.  Unfortunately, hunters in Pennsylvania can only pursue foxes, crows and coyotes on Sundays and are denied the hunting opportunities that so many hunters and families have in other states. Change is long overdue.

In order for Sunday hunting to become reality, all hunters must work together. It's critical for hunters to regularly contact legislators about this outdated law that is denying sportsmen time afield with their friends and family. Please sign this petition TODAY, as well as urge family, friends and fellow Pennsylvania hunters to do the same. Call upon your legislators to promote Pennsylvania's proud hunting heritage. 

For more information on the impact of Sunday hunting, please visit

Will you sign?

Showing 2566 reactions

  • Edward Berkheimer
    Allowing Sunday hunting and also allow baiting would bring in much more needed tax Revenue.
  • Lee Snyder
  • Koty McGowan
  • Christopher Armstrong
  • Austin Phillippe
  • Paul Ross
    Paul Ross
  • William Dager
    Sign the petition: Repeal the Sunday Hunting Ban in Pennsylvania!
  • William Dager
    Sign the petition: Repeal the Sunday Hunting Ban in Pennsylvania!
  • William Dager
  • Thomas Porter
  • Tim Montefour
  • Steve Shook
  • Sam Kelley
  • Robert C. Williams
  • Kylee Sager
  • Sierra Sager
  • Lisa Impink
  • Shawn Falvey
    This antiquated blue law must be repealed. We are losing hunters every year and competing with organized sports that my kids participate in. An extra day would mean more revenue and opportunities to take my kids into the field.
  • Stephen Crawford
    This repeal of the no Sunday hunting ban would be huge for PA. Not only would the hunters get an extra day but the money that will go into the PA economy will help a great deal.
  • William Givens
  • John Hansen
    There is NO reason why hunting on Sunday should not be allowed. I pay to drive a car 7 days a week , why not hunt.
  • Randy Santucci
    Randy Santucci I am Board Chairman of The Unified Sportsmen of Pennsylvania. We boast the largest individual (statewide) membership sportsman’s organization in Pennsylvania with several thousand members. I personally solicited our official position on Sunday hunting from our board two year ago. Basically we saw if we did not support Sunday hunting, it puts us on the wrong side of the fence for sportsmen. We would align mostly with non hunters, anti hunters and those that would gladly reduce and restrict hunting in any way possible. Yes some hunters are against Sunday hunting, but national vetting of this issue far and away supports Sunday hunting as well as a growing majority in Pa.

  • David Laden
    I hope this isn’t another wild goose chase.
  • James Martinsky
    James Martinsky
  • robert crooks
    You can fish on Sunday why can’t we hunt?? Wake up pennsylvania
  • Richard Jones
    This absolutely needs to change. Most people who work a regular 40 hour a week job only get one day a week to hunt on Saturday. You pay for the license and all the specialty licenses but we are limited to one day a week, that is ridiculous in my opinion and needs to change now not later.
  • Louis Shirilla
  • Rev Dennis F Millard
  • John LaScola
  • William White