Repeal the ban on Sunday Hunting in Pennsylvania!

Pennsylvania is one of 11 states where hunting on Sunday is restricted or prohibited.  These states are still the victims of antiquated prohibitions that date back to old blue laws enacted in the 1700's.

The majority of states across America allow a broad range of Sunday hunting opportunities.  Unfortunately, hunters in Pennsylvania can only pursue foxes, crows and coyotes on Sundays and are denied the hunting opportunities that so many hunters and families have in other states. Change is long overdue.

In order for Sunday hunting to become reality, all hunters must work together. It's critical for hunters to regularly contact legislators about this outdated law that is denying sportsmen time afield with their friends and family. Please sign this petition TODAY, as well as urge family, friends and fellow Pennsylvania hunters to do the same. Call upon your legislators to promote Pennsylvania's proud hunting heritage. 

For more information on the impact of Sunday hunting, please visit

Will you sign?

Showing 2566 reactions

  • Gregory Ronczka
    Today, additional hunting opportunities = additional time! The opportunity for Sunday hunting will mean our youth will no longer have to choose between soccer, football, etc. and hunting. They could do both. This is necessary to increase recruitment of new young hunters when there are so many other choices available to them.
  • Dennis LaPorte
  • Richard Antrim
  • Marilyn Miller
    Sign the petition: Repeal the Sunday Hunting Ban in Pennsylvania!
  • Marilyn Miller
  • Jeff Paletta
    Its time for change in Pa.
  • Robert Weisser
  • Joe Kamnik
  • Frank William Corteal
  • James Pahel
    This will help not only in keeping the sport alive but could maybe even increase the spending related to the hunting industry by bringing in and keeping hunters in the more rural areas of the state. All of these areas have been pretty hard hit by saver economic related issues and can use everything they can get.
  • Gregory Bittinger
  • Thomas Peters
    I promote PA’s proud hunting heritage. We should have the right and choice to hunt on Sunday’s
  • Shane Stewart
  • Emil Wunz
    The commandment to keep the Sabbath Holy is for us as individuals to keep, not the State, not the Game Commission. Time to repeal.
  • Jim collum
    Please permit Sunday hunting
  • Andrew Barlet
  • Jorgen Svenson
  • Jon W Evans
  • Bill Hier
    Nobody is having a picnic in January in the woods
  • Bob Beadling
  • Sean Sean
  • William Zeger
  • Joe Mazza
  • Joel Baldwin
    Sign the petition: Repeal the Sunday Hunting Ban in Pennsylvania!
  • steven bazil
    Although I am not a hunter, I support Sunday hunting. It’s time to change our antiquated laws.
  • Nathan Fice
  • Rocco
  • Paul Alexander Jr
  • David Mciltrot
  • David Greene