Repeal the ban on Sunday Hunting in Pennsylvania!

Pennsylvania is one of 11 states where hunting on Sunday is restricted or prohibited.  These states are still the victims of antiquated prohibitions that date back to old blue laws enacted in the 1700's.

The majority of states across America allow a broad range of Sunday hunting opportunities.  Unfortunately, hunters in Pennsylvania can only pursue foxes, crows and coyotes on Sundays and are denied the hunting opportunities that so many hunters and families have in other states. Change is long overdue.

In order for Sunday hunting to become reality, all hunters must work together. It's critical for hunters to regularly contact legislators about this outdated law that is denying sportsmen time afield with their friends and family. Please sign this petition TODAY, as well as urge family, friends and fellow Pennsylvania hunters to do the same. Call upon your legislators to promote Pennsylvania's proud hunting heritage. 

For more information on the impact of Sunday hunting, please visit

Will you sign?

Showing 2566 reactions

  • Clarence Heinly
  • Russell Shafer
  • James Latta
    About time
  • Weston Nicola
  • Ken Burke
  • John Hosier
  • David Frazee
    Repeal this old law and let us hunt Sundays. For some of us Saturday and Sunday are all we have available to hunt.
  • Gregory Heming
  • Matthew Maddy
  • Charles Borowski
  • Tj Morrison
    Laws based upon old Blue Laws need reassessed in today’s society. Not only am I discouraged with the time, money and effort that I put towards managing property year round to eventually have the chance to hunt (while only getting a handful of days each season), being deprived a key day on the weekend is extremely discouraging. I am even more concerned with the future hunters, my children included, who (in today’s fast paced society) do not have the time to spend in the outdoors b/c of Saturday activities. I feel that we are continuing to lose a huge part of our tradition and foundation by continuing to keep this law in effect.
  • Leonard Coffey
  • Randall Shearer
  • Tye Burleigh
    It is about time the ban is lifted. Keep the religious nutjobs out of legislation.
  • Michael Edwards
  • Ryan Chrobak
  • Travis Dilley
  • Craig
  • Dennis Stokes
  • Arnold
  • Brian McIntosh
  • zachary firmstone
  • John Luczyszyn
  • steven silvis
  • Wayne Linsenbach
  • David Reynolds
  • John Dietx
  • Carl Capobianco
  • Richard Gingrich
  • Mark Gregory