Pledge to Support Campus Carry in Florida


Today, too many college campuses are not safe. They are "Gun-Free-Zones" where murderers, rapists, terrorists, and robbers commit crimes without fear of their victims defending themselves with a firearm.

According to one report, an estimated 1 in 5 five female college students reported that they have been sexually assaulted during their college years. It has been called an epidemic of sexual assault on our nation's college campuses.

In Florida, the Legislature is considering passage of a bill that would restore the right of persons 21 years of age and older, who have a state issued license to carry concealed firearms, to do so on college campuses.

Anti-gun and anti-self defense groups are fighting to deny these law-abiding adults from being able to exercise their fundamental right to self-defense.

Don't let Florida' s college and university administrators and their faculty unions, along with gun control groups like former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg's "Everytown for Gun Safety" and the League of Women Voters, deny the constitutional freedoms of law-abiding Floridians.

Sign our petition to let Florida’s state legislators know that you support Campus Carry.  Tell them you support Campus Carry -- not Gun Fee Zones.


Will you sign?

Showing 1745 reactions

  • Brian Kim
    No gun zone (unless there’s good security like a police station) is like shooting fish in a barrel (no pun intended)
  • Brandon Dawson
  • Samantha Baxter
    Sign the petition: florida campus carry
  • Marc Buchs
  • Zachary Berlinghoff
    Zachary Berlinghoff
  • Reed Commer
  • Douglas Mathis
  • Wendy Lyon
  • Kenneth Holmes
  • Egypt Guerrero
  • Egypt Guerrero
  • Jennifer Roberts
  • Cassidy Ledeme-Goodman
    I feel if students or teachers were armed or had access to a firearm, phsychopath shooters who commit mass shootings can be stopped. Think about it, a shooter who kills 20 people then himself (which most of them do commit suicide after) or a teacher who kills the shooter before he can kill many others.
  • Susanne Rush
  • Carlita
    Sign the petition: florida campus carry
  • Carlita
  • Carlita
    I attended college in Houston, TX and felt threatened, because I couldn’t open carry. Police department anywhere to be seen…
  • Harry Norwood
  • Scott Dobbs
  • Andrew Turner
    Sign the petition: florida campus carry
  • Andrew Turner
  • Gabriel Lievano
  • Lance Loxley
    How can a good person protect themselves if there not allowed to carry when any criminal will do what they want when they want with whatever weapon or way they can find !!! Good people shall have the right to protect themselves simple as that!!!!!!
  • Charles Somerville, Jr.
    Sign the petition: florida campus carry
  • Charles Somerville, Jr.
  • Paul Sorensen
  • Lori Gonzalez
  • Tammie
  • Joe Bass
  • Dennis Haugh