Pledge to Support Campus Carry in Florida


Today, too many college campuses are not safe. They are "Gun-Free-Zones" where murderers, rapists, terrorists, and robbers commit crimes without fear of their victims defending themselves with a firearm.

According to one report, an estimated 1 in 5 five female college students reported that they have been sexually assaulted during their college years. It has been called an epidemic of sexual assault on our nation's college campuses.

In Florida, the Legislature is considering passage of a bill that would restore the right of persons 21 years of age and older, who have a state issued license to carry concealed firearms, to do so on college campuses.

Anti-gun and anti-self defense groups are fighting to deny these law-abiding adults from being able to exercise their fundamental right to self-defense.

Don't let Florida' s college and university administrators and their faculty unions, along with gun control groups like former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg's "Everytown for Gun Safety" and the League of Women Voters, deny the constitutional freedoms of law-abiding Floridians.

Sign our petition to let Florida’s state legislators know that you support Campus Carry.  Tell them you support Campus Carry -- not Gun Fee Zones.


Will you sign?

Showing 1745 reactions

  • Billy Volner
  • Robert Akers
  • Gerald
  • Manuel Farizo
  • Denise Van Auken
  • James Smith
  • Mark Craig
  • Michael B Petriello
    Florida is a common sense state, exercising states rights over federal mandates.

    If you want the socialist state go live with Mr. Obama in one of his socialist/muslim states.
  • Joe Warren
  • Charles Fowler
  • Richard James
  • Matthew Bennett
  • Francisco Martinez
  • Joseph Andrew Lotta
  • Anthony Prats
  • Tim Fine
  • Nancy Mc Pherson
    Gun free zones are an open invitation for predators to strike knowing that there are no good guys with guns to stop them. All gun free zones should be abolished.
  • Charles Wright
  • Phil Blair
  • Stephon McKinnon
  • Ruben Febres
  • Lauren Sullivan
    Sign the petition: florida campus carry
  • Lauren Sullivan
    I am a student at the University of South Florida who is concerned about my security. I took my concealed weapons class the same week I turned 21 and applied for my license. It is my right as citizen of the State of Florida to be able to carry my concealed weapon for personal protection and I spend most of my time on campus.
  • Jesse Scott
  • Howard Hudeck
  • Steven D. Levin
    I support the right to carry, including on college campuses.
  • Mr. Julius B. Carey
    I’m a 22 year holder of a concealed permit. I support this measure wholeheartedly!
  • Dyna Hicks
  • Anthony Masek
  • Michael Korowin