VA: NRA 2A Day at Echoes of Glory

Come out and visit us on August 19th for our first NRA 2A day with Echoes of Glory! This is a great opportunity for you to meet your local NRA team and see how you can get involved defending gun rights this November in your community. Doors open at 11:00 and Echoes of glory will be hosting a large gun auction on that Saturday.  Feel free to come speak with us and stay for the auction to see all of the rare and historical firearms Echoes has to bid on.      

August 19, 2023 at 11:00am - 2pm
Echoes of Glory
1329 Harpers Rd
Virginia Beach, VA 23454
United States
Google map and directions
Cooper Reynolds ·

Will you come?

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  • Maureen Fuster
  • Patrick K Comire
  • Thomas Tillman
  • Gary Hudgins
  • Cooper Reynolds