Special Session Legislative Action Meeting

Governor Ralph Northam and his gun ban allies are ready to push their extreme anti-gun agenda when the General Assembly convenes its special session on July 9th.  Your NRA is calling on members and Second Amendment supporters to join in the fight against Gov. Northam’s misguided gun control proposals by coming to Richmond on July 9th to personally urge their elected officials to stand up for our rights by opposing the Northam gun ban agenda.

You are invited to stop by the House Conference Room, where you can pick up your FREE NRA gear as well as meet with fellow members and Second Amendment supporters.  Additionally, NRA staff will be present to provide updates and to assist everyone in finding their lawmakers.

July 09, 2019 at 10:00am - 12pm
Pocahontas Building
900 E Main St
6th Floor, House Conference Room
Richmond, VA 23219
United States
Google map and directions
Lexy Higgins · · (703) 267-1183

Will you come?