PA: Volunteer Pizza Texting Party 10-16-2024

Your NRA-ILA Grassroots Team invites you to join us for a Text Party! We will be sending texts (through our website - not your personal phone) to Second Amendment-supporting voters in Pennsylvania and we need your help. It is super easy and you'll have in-person assistance right in the room in case you have a question or get stuck. You don't need to be tech-savvy, and none of your personal information will be visible to those you are in contact with. Plus, you get to spend a few hours hanging out with awesome, like-minded people who are passionate about preserving our gun rights! 

Our Text Party will take place on Wednesday, October 16th from 6:30 p.m.-8:30 p.m. 

If you plan to attend, please RSVP and text "Text for Freedom" at (703) 708-4664 as soon as possible so that we can get you set up with a user name and password prior to the texting party. Also, if you have a laptop or an iPad that you can bring to use, please bring it, along with a mouse if you use one, and your charging cable if needed.

October 16, 2024 at 6:30pm - 8:30pm
Pizza Chef Italian Restaurant
4011 William Penn Hwy
Easton, PA 18045
United States
Google map and directions
David Conte · · 7037084664

Will you come?

Showing 5 reactions

Please check your e-mail for a link to activate your account.
  • David Krause
  • Scott Haykin
  • Dana Haykin
  • Keith Schreier
  • David Conte