NRA needs your help in Missouri! Join your fellow patriots to help advance the Second Amendment and ensure victory on Election Day. Join your NRA-ILA Missouri team at Cabelas in Hazelwood in their community room for an important FREE Grassroots Activism Workshop on Tuesday, July 24th, at 6:30 p.m. We will provide you with all the tools you need to defend our rights and help elect pro-gun candidates in Missouri.
All materials are FREE and food & drink will be provided. Be sure to RSVP as space is limited.
July 24, 2018 at 6:30pm - 7:30pm
Cabelas in Hazelwood
5555 St Louis Mills Blvd
Suite 167
Hazelwood, MO 63042
United States
Google map and directions
5555 St Louis Mills Blvd
Suite 167
Hazelwood, MO 63042
United States
Google map and directions
Chris Brown
· (314) 346-5816

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