OH: NRA 2A Day at Stonewall Tactical (Broadview Hights) 6-8-2024

Come on out and meet your Ohio NRA-ILA Campaign Field representative for an NRA 2A Day at Stonewall Tactical.  We will have a table set up distributing FREE swag and informational materials. Additionally, you can learn about the NRA's initiatives for the 2024 election and discover ways to get involved and help us achieve significant victories this year! We look forward to seeing you at Stonewall Tactical on the 8th.

June 08, 2024 at 11:00am - 5:30pm
Stonewall Tactical
100 Ken Mar Industrial Pkwy
Broadview Heights, OH 44147
United States
Google map and directions
Keith Castillo · · 7033048715
Diana Allaman Antonio Suarez Jeff Ratkosky

Will you come?

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  • Diana Allaman
  • Antonio Suarez
  • Jeff Ratkosky
  • David Conte