NRA University at DU

Join your NRA & College Republicans at D.U. in Denver for the prestigious "NRA University" event! Attend the NRA U to get free NRA memberships, NRA hats, NRA shirts, and other free NRA swag! Learn how to be better grassroots activist & find out how YOU can get involved to help stop anti-gun politicians from taking away YOUR Second Amendment rights! 


Wednesday, October 5th, 6pm-8:30pm


University of Denver - 2306 East Evans Ave., Margery Reed Hall, Room 21, Denver, CO 80210

 If you would like to volunteer, please contact me at 720-355-6774 or at [email protected]. If you are unable to attend but would like to learn more about getting involved in the future, feel free to reach out before it is too late! Your country needs YOUR help this year to ensure we defeat Hillary Clinton before she takes your gun rights away! Get involved here in Colorado to make a difference before it is too late! 


October 05, 2016 at 6:00pm - 8:30pm
University of Denver, Margery Reed Hall, Room 217
2306 E Evans Ave
Denver , CO 80210
United States
Google map and directions
Jerry Kraus · · 720-355-6774

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