C2 Shooting Center will host your NRA-ILA for an NRA Day on Saturday, August 10th from 10AM-2PM. This is a great opportunity for you to come out and discover what your NRA is doing in Virginia for the 2019 campaign cycle. Free educational materials and NRA swag will be available for all attendees visiting the NRA booth, as well as infromation on how to become involved in our grassroots efforts in Virginia.
This NRA Day is during C2 Shooting Center's Second Saturday series that offers a series of practical shooting matches. The Second Saturday Series offers a course designed to challenge experienced shooters, but also provide a friendly, inviting atmosphere for first-timers. C2 welcome's all levels and all ages of shooters.
August 10, 2019 at 10:00am - 2pm
Penny Fjellanger
· (703) 268-8662
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