We are just over a week away from the 2018 Mid-term elections and YOUR HELP CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE IN THIS CRITICAL ELECTION YEAR. Join the NRA-ILA Missouri team as we spend the day doing voter outreach in the Sunset Hills area. We will have opportunities to go Door-to-Door and a Phone Bank as we gather at Southern Armory on Saturday, October 27th. Stop by any time between 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. to join the cause. Make plans to bring a friend and pitch in to help protect the Second Amendment! We'll have NRA ballcaps and t-shirts and election information ready for you--if you have a smart phone or a tablet, please bring it with you and we will get you set up with our easy-to-use NRA calling App.
October 27, 2018 at 10:00am - 4pm
Chris Brown
· (314) 346-5816
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