Calling all Patriots and Second Amendment Advocates! Your NRA-ILA is organizing for our upcoming National Day of Action, and you are invited to get in on the action right here in Billings!
Your Montana NRA-ILA Campaign Feild Team is very proud to invite you out to The Black Butte Range ( , the only indoor range in town, for our NRA-ILA National Day of Action. Join us on Saturday, September 29th at 11 am, as the NRA-ILA and friends meet in the parking lot of Black Butte Range to make advocacy calls and organize groups to go knock on neighbor's doors, all on behalf of our pro-Second Amendment candidates!
We also look forward to welcoming you to stick around after the hard work for a cookout (hot dogs & hamburgers), with games and prizes beginning around 5 pm.
Food and wifi will be provided Just bring you, your appetite, and your mobile device.
Also, be sure to stick around after and check out the sweet deals and discounts for volunteers at Black Butte Indoor Range!
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