MI: NRA GOTV Day of Action in Howell

Take part in NRA's final planned push in Michigan to turn out the pro-gun vote! The Michigan NRA-ILA team will be staging at one of our strongest NRA Second Amendment Activist Centers, Peacemakers Gun Shop, located in Howell, MI. The purpose of this Day of Action is to help turn out the pro-Second Amendment vote in the upcoming elections. We will have a table set up from open at 10:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Additionally, we will be canvassing throughout Howell, where you can knock alongside NRA-ILA Staff and fellow volunteers. This is the perfect opportunity to come see the NRA in action. We will be knocking in groups within the surrounding neighborhoods.

All volunteers will receive and exclusive NRA T-shirt and hat! Peacemakers will also be giving every volunteer a FREE 1hr range pass and the top two door knockers will win a $25 gift card! Please RSVP to let us know you want pro-2A candidates to WIN this November!

October 05, 2024 at 10:30am - 5pm
Peacemakers Indoor Gun Range & Sales
158 Catrell Dr
Howell, MI 48843
United States
Google map and directions
Nathan Cross · · 7034470906

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  • Richard Renkiewicz
  • Brandon Hines
  • Nathan Cross