Pledge to Support Campus Carry in Florida


Today, too many college campuses are not safe. They are "Gun-Free-Zones" where murderers, rapists, terrorists, and robbers commit crimes without fear of their victims defending themselves with a firearm.

According to one report, an estimated 1 in 5 five female college students reported that they have been sexually assaulted during their college years. It has been called an epidemic of sexual assault on our nation's college campuses.

In Florida, the Legislature is considering passage of a bill that would restore the right of persons 21 years of age and older, who have a state issued license to carry concealed firearms, to do so on college campuses.

Anti-gun and anti-self defense groups are fighting to deny these law-abiding adults from being able to exercise their fundamental right to self-defense.

Don't let Florida' s college and university administrators and their faculty unions, along with gun control groups like former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg's "Everytown for Gun Safety" and the League of Women Voters, deny the constitutional freedoms of law-abiding Floridians.

Sign our petition to let Florida’s state legislators know that you support Campus Carry.  Tell them you support Campus Carry -- not Gun Fee Zones.


Will you sign?

Showing 1745 reactions

  • Ronald Schaeffer
  • Edward Wisniewski
  • Sid Mann
  • Jack Harris
  • Christian McLaughlin
  • Steve
  • Michael Mays
    I am a senior at Florida Atlantic University. Since I started at the university in 2012. There have been several gun related events that have taken place. The most recent occurred yesterday September 9th 2015, when a student made a threat to shoot up the campus on social media. He was detained for a few hours before being released from police custody and expelled. But what is stopping him or anyone else from carrying out a violent attack on campus?! The police can’t be in every classroom on campus and can’t stop every threat. It is my RIGHT to be able to defend myself at FAU where I spend majority of my time. This bill must be PASSED!
  • Jim Mitchell
  • Keith Cutting
  • Robert Fox
  • Aaron Smith
  • Miles Imhoff
    For too long untenable and tired excuses have been utilized as a means to erode the sound liberties granted to us through the Bill of Rights. I support “campus carry” in Florida.
  • charles nulanz
    none right now
  • Ken Libutti
  • Carl Morrow
  • Chad Hendrix
    These students already have a concealed carry permit and should NOT be disarmed at the school house parking lots! Gun Free Zones are in fact, KILLING ZONES. Guns in the hands of civilians, makes everyone around them safer! As a firearms instructor, I teach my students, YOU are the first responder, because you are there! Act when it makes sense and only when it makes sense. The one thing in common with all these “mass shootings” be in schools or movie theaters or churches. Evil goes to where good and honorable people are disarmed. If you want to STOP these mass killings, outlawing these Gun Free Zones, is the first place to start! The mythical gun free zone, is nothing more than a feel good, false sense of security. Because the criminal surely isn’t disarmed. The only thing these gun free zones do, is disarm the very people who are in a position to stop these killers! As we see time and time again, once confronted with an armed response, either police or civilian, these cowards either give up or take their own lives! Either way, the killing STOPS!


    Chad Hendrix

    Jacksonville FL
  • Joseph Banasiak
    I support Campus Carry — not Gun Fee Zones.
  • Scott Hartley
  • Richard Westerlind
  • Robert Taylor
  • Robert Smith
    Protect our to bare arms
  • Scott Luman
  • Ross Bray
  • Hernan Sanguinetti
  • Bryce Pierce
  • John Smith
    Just do it.
  • Rickey Braddam
  • James g Lyman
  • Richard Tracy Lee
    I am a criminal defense attorney, I know attackers choose victims in areas they are less likely to protect themselves .
  • Jonathan Tate