August 18th Super Saturday

Patriots, thank you for joining us at the NRA-ILA Las Vegas office for a day of action this Saturday the 18th!

Early voting starts in just over 2 months. If you haven't volunteered with your NRA-ILA, now is the time to start! We will have opportunities to reach out to voters at their doors or by phone. Feel free to bring your own devices, but we will have smartphones and headsets available at the office as well. Lunch will be provided around 1:00. 

August 18, 2018 at 10:00am - 4pm
Las Vegas NRA-ILA Office
2255 Renaissance Dr
Suite D
Las Vegas, NV 89119
United States
Google map and directions
Brady Bowyer · · (703) 397-4188

Will you come?

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  • Brian Sherrett
  • Ronald Bloom II