2018 NRA-ILA Speedway GOTV - November 4th

Can you believe we are down to two days before Election Day 2018! How do you think we will do? Do you think we will have enough votes to win this election? Would want to have a hand in bringing more pro-gun voters to the polls? If you said "yes", your NRA-ILA can use your help. 

If you are interested in joining your NRA-ILA GOTV effort, on Sunday, November 4th, meet us at McDonalds at 12:00pm. We'll be out in Speedway/Indianapolis knocking doors starting at 12:30pm. Walk door to door with your NRA-ILA staff and friends to encourage voters to get to the polls in two days! RSVP below:

November 04, 2018 at 12:00pm - 5pm
6155 Crawfordsville Rd
Indianapolis, IN 46224
United States
Google map and directions
Kelvin Curtis · · (703) 397-4295

Will you come?

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