WA: Oppose SB 5078 at the Capitol!

Join us on Tuesday, March 14th as we attend the committee hearing for Senate Bill 5078, which is another attempt to slowly chip away at our states Second Amendment rights but this time targeting the firearms industry and subjecting them to lawsuits instead of making the real perpetrators accountable.

This bill undermines the PLCAA and subjects licensed firearm manufacturers and sellers to frivolous lawsuits. Protecting the firearms industry, like other lawful industries, is necessary because our legal system generally does not punish anyone for the criminal actions of others. This bill simply seeks to sue the firearms industry out of existence in the state of Washington. 

The firearms industry supplies thousands of jobs in Washington and the excise tax on the sale and purchase of firearms, ammunition, and accessories produces millions of dollars for conservation in our state from Pittman-Robertson funds. This bill will eliminate thousands of jobs and deprive the state of millions of dollars annually. Without the firearms industry, Washingtonians will not have access to firearms and ammunition and the fundamental right to keep and bear arms.


We will be meeting a the Tivoli Fountain located on the Capitol grounds near the Winged Victory POW/MIA Monument. 


at 8:00am on Tuesday, March 14th.

Join your Grassroots Field Coordinator and State Director as we declare our opposition for Senate Bill 5078 and show our support for the firearm industry.

*Please refer HERE to current carry restrictions that exist at the Washington State Capitol. 

March 14, 2023 at 8:00am - 11am
Jesse Greening ·

Will you come?

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  • Jesse Greening
  • George Brewer
  • Frank Gorecki
  • Roy Lafromboise
  • Ghery Pettit
  • Jeffrey Watson
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  • Rob Diess
  • Scott Miller
  • Doug Heitz
  • Daniel e gleason 3rd
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  • Robert Toppen
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  • Larry Hawk
  • Travis Lee
  • Ryan Rife