Springfield GOTV Phone Bank at Cherokee Firearms

Come out to Cherokee Firearms on Monday, November 5th, for our final phone bank to help get out the vote in support of the NRA-PVF endorsed candidate. We will be making get out the vote calls from 4-7pm. Those who make at least 100 calls will get free range time from 7-8pm!

If you have a smartphone, tablet, or laptop and headphones, please bring them with you!

If you are unable to attend and want to help make calls from home, please contact Kirsten Golinski at (571)328-9034 or [email protected]

November 05, 2018 at 4:00pm - 8pm
Cherokee Firearms
1500 W College St
Springfield, MO 65806
United States
Google map and directions
Kirsten Golinski · · (571)328-9034

Will you come?